We have been so busy the past week playing with our friends.... that I have not taken any good pictures, and that means that I have not been blogging!! I just hate blogs without the visuals. So the randomness of photo's are horendous!!! And I never blogged about kenz and my very good friends :) This past weekend we went to Grayson's first birthday party and kenz had a blast!! I got to see some old friends from CCF and kenz got to help break in some new toys!! Sorry grayson and thanks for being a great sharer.. we are still working on that, as everyone can tell :) And some of us got together yesterday for our wonderful friend Michelle's birthday... It is alittle chaotic with all of us, but thats alright, i think we enjoy every last minute of it :) so here are some random pictures and I really am going to try to work on this a little more !!
The three amigo's ... they give each other a run for the money ....
precious baby averee.... she is just an angel!!
Thank you girls for such a great week!! We have had a blast hanging out with everyone... you are all such amazing mommies and I feel so honored and blessed to have such an wonderful group of friends. A special thanks to michelle for introducing me to everyone :) love ya, xoxoxoxox
Aww, cute pictures! Haha..funny seeing all of us on a mission to find a pool! It was fun, I enjoy hang out with all of you girls, too! I am working on getting up earlier....so maybe someday I'll see the sun come up! Oh and one day...just maybe I'll be on time! :)
We had a fun week, too! I love you gals so much....what boring lives we would lead without one another, huh? That pic with all the SUV's is so funny. Let's plan another play date for next week!
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